- Të gjitha produktet
- Aksesor dhome frigoriferike
- Aksesor ftohje
- Derë dhome frigo
- Doreza frigo
- Filtër gazi
- Fishek valv.Expan
- Fryrës avullues
- Gaz freon I madhe
- Gaz freon litrosh
- Indikator gazi
- Kapilar ftohes
- Kompresor agregat
- Kompresor industrial
- Kompresor monobllok
- Kompresor shtepiak
- Mbledhes gazi
- Mentesha frigo
- Presostat gazi
- Profil sanitar
- Radiator kondense
- Rele motori
- Rezistenca defrosti
- Serpentina frigo
- Sonda
- Termometer frigo
- Termoregullator
- Termostat dixhital
- Termostat frigo
- Termostop
- Timer defrosti
- Tub antivibrues
- Valv.Expansioni
- Valv.Solenoid
- Valvul ajrimi dhome
- Klimatizim
- Të gjitha produktet
- Dedektor gazi
- Elektroda
- Hapëse tubash
- Kacavide ventili
- Kanelle
- Konik per tub
- Kriket
- Manometer frigo
- Mapp gas
- Multimetër
- Niples
- Perthyese tubash
- Peshore elektronike
- Pinca
- Pompë vakumi
- Rekorde baker/bronx
- Rekorde gazi ftohes
- Rekord plastik a/c
- Rubinet gazi litrosh
- Rubinet gazi makine
- Rubinet mbyllje gazi
- Saracineske
- Saldim aksesor
- Talja tub
- Tubo manometri
- Vegla te ndryshme
- Ventil me/pa tub
- Te gjitha produktet
- Aksesor të ndryshëm
- Alkool metilik
- Graso
- Kapikorda
- Kondensatore a/c
- Kondensatore ducati
- Kondensatore fani
- Kondensatore filter
- Kondensatore icar
- Kondensatore kabell
- Kondensatore kinez
- Kondensatore mikrovale
- Kondensatore starti
- Llamba
- Mikroceles aspriratori
- Mikroceles frigo
- Mikroceles kendor
- Mikroceles rethor
- Mikroceles sekondar
- Ngjitesa (mastic)
- Solucion pastrimi
- Vaj kompresori
- Ventilator a/c
- Ventilator aksial
- Ventilator aspiratori
- Ventilator furre
- Ventilator No frost
- Ventilator retro
- Ventilator tangjencial
- Ventilatormotor
- Elik ventilatori
- Suport ventilatori
- Të gjitha produktet
- Aksesor lavatrice
- Amortizator
- Brava (sekondare)
- Butona lavatrice
- Dere lavatrice
- Doreza lavatrice
- Elektrovalvula
- Elik pompe
- Filter lavatrice
- Gomina lavatrice
- Guarnicion lavastovilje
- Karboncina
- Kembe lavatrice
- Kushineta
- Lopata kazani
- Manikota
- Manopola Lavatrice
- Mentesha lavatrice
- Motor lavatrice
- Motor lavastovilje
- Paketa elektronike
- Pompa lavastovilje
- Pompa shkarkimi
- Pompe tharese robash
- Premistopa guarnicione
- Presostat lavatrice
- Programator lavatrice
- Pulexho lavatrice
- Pulexho tharese robash
- Rezistenca larje
- Rezistenca lavastovilje
- Rezistenca tharese
- Rrip lavatrice
- Skatull pompe
- Susta kazani
- Termostate lavatrice
- Trekendesh aks lavatrice
- Tub furnizimi
- Tub shkarkimi
- Të gjitha produktet
- Aksesor sobe
- Celesa sobe
- Gjenerator shkendije
- Guarnicion furre
- Kandelet shtepiake
- Kapak vatra gazi
- Manopola Sobe
- Mentesha sobe
- Morseta sobe
- Motor helli
- Pllaka sobe
- Portollamba
- Rekorde sobe
- Rezistenca sobe
- Siguresa elektrike konike
- Siguresa termike (termostat)
- Sinjale llamba sinjalizuese
- Sprucator gazi
- Termik bimetalik (termostat)
- Termocifte
- Termometer sobe
- Termostate sobe
- Zgare furre
- Zile sobe
- Fshese Korenti
- Hekurosje
- Mikrovale
- Bolier
- Ekspres Shtepiak
- Produktor Akulli
Kafe Profesionale
- Te gjitha produktet
- Aks grupi
- Aksesor expresi
- Bisht luge
- Celesi kryesor
- Detergjent Ekspressi
- Dozator expresi
- Elektrovalvul ekspresi
- Filter luge
- Filter pompe
- Fole guarnicioni
- Gomine grupi
- Spesor grupi
- Grup furnizimi
- Guarnicion expresi
- Gur mulliri
- Hink mulliri
- Infuzor grupi
- Latiere
- Leshues expresi
- Luge expresi
- Manometer ekspresi
- Manopola ekspresi
- Membrane dixhitale
- Mikropompe kaldaje
- O-ring
- Paket rimbushje
- Pompe expresi
- Presostat expresi
- Rekorde ekspresi
- Rezistence expresi
- Rubinet avulli
- Shperndares grupi
- Shtypes kafe
- Site grupi
- Sonde ekspresi
- Sqep luge
- Susta
- Tap grupi
- Tub avull/uji expresi
- Tub shkundje luge
- Valvul expresi
- Vida dado
- Xham niveli
- Xhingler
Gatim Profesional
- Te gjitha produktet
- Bruciator pilot
- Kandelet profesionale
- Manjet rubinet gazi
- Manopola profesionale
- Mentesha
- Morset qeramike
- Motoreduktor helli
- Rekorde
- Rezistenza gatimi
- Sprucator gazi
- Shintil gazi
- Sonde valv.Gazi
- Termocifte
- Termometer
- Termostat piceri
- Termostat friteze
- Termostat banjomari
- Termostat sobe
- Timer Sobe Profesional
- Valvul gazi
- Valvul termostatike
- Larje Profesionale
- Automotiv
- Vending
Model: EMT6170Z
Cooling Capacity: 809 W
Type: Hermetic Reciprocating Compressor
Technology: ON/OFF (Basic switching technology)
Compressor Application: High Back Pressure (HBP)
Expansion Device: Can use either a capillary tube or an expansion valve (commonly used for refrigerants).
Compressor Cooling: Fan-cooled (likely means the motor is cooled by air circulation rather than a direct refrigerant connection).
Starting Torque: HST (High Starting Torque, necessary for larger compressors).
Manufacturing Plant: Brazil
Electrical Data:
Start Winding Resistance: 18.8 Ω at 25°C
Run Winding Resistance: 10.9 Ω at 25°C
Locked Rotor Amperage (LRA) at 50 Hz: 10.4 A (This indicates the current drawn when the rotor is locked, i.e., during startup).
Rated Load Amperage (LMBP) at 50 Hz: 2.6 A (This is the amperage drawn during normal load operation at 50 Hz).
Rated Load Amperage (HBP) at 50 Hz: 2.8 A (The amperage during normal operation in high back pressure conditions).
Mechanical Data:
Displacement: 7.69 cm³ (This is the volume of refrigerant the compressor moves per cycle. Higher displacement typically indicates more cooling capacity).
Oil Charge: 180 ml
Oil Type: ESTER (Ester oil is commonly used with modern refrigerants, particularly in HVAC/R systems).
Oil Viscosity: ISO22 (indicating the oil's thickness or flow characteristics at a specific temperature).
Weight: 7.7 kg (the weight of the compressor unit).
Electrical Components:
Start Capacitor: 53-64 μF / 330 V (For providing the initial boost of power to start the motor).
Starting Device Type: Relay (a switching device that controls the compressor's start and stop cycles).
Starting Device Description: MTRP-38* QL2-4.8 ***
Overload Protection: DRB190N61AXF (Overload protection helps prevent damage to the motor if conditions become unsafe, such as too much current or overheating).
External Characteristics:
Base Plate: Small EUEM (This likely refers to the size and style of the mounting base).
Connector (Suction, Discharge, Process):
Suction Connector:
Diameter: 6.1 mm
Shape: Slanted 42° Up + 45° to Back
Material: Copper
Discharge Connector:
Diameter: 4.94 mm
Shape: Slanted Parallel BP + 24° to Back
Material: Copper
Process Connector:
Diameter: 6.1 mm
Shape: Slanted 45° Up + 45° to Back
Material: Copper
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